Code quality flows from good tools

Delivering high quality code stands on two pillars: the developer's wisdom to write code well, and tools to inform and guide the developer towards better practice. Developers are clever, and will make poor tools work, but the benefits of great tools go beyond making the developers' lives easier, and actively promote higher quality code.

Here are my picks for sharp tools that improve not developer productivity but code quality.

Version Control Hosting

Going beyond just the benefits of keeping code in version control, tools like Rhodecode or Gitorious (both self-hostable) or Github or Bitbucket (SaaS) allow developers to create new repositories so that unwieldy projects can be split, or new tools and supporting apps can be kept disentangled from the existing code.

You really don't want developers to be bound by the architectural decisions made long ago and codified in pre-created repositories that are hard to get changed.

Code Review

The best code review tools let you show uncommitted changes to other developers, provide high-quality diffs that make it easy to read and understand the impact of a change, and let the other developers give detailed feedback on multiple sections of code. With this feedback developers can rapidly turn patches around and resubmit until they are perfect. Pre-commit review means that the committed history doesn't contain unnecessary clutter; each commit will do exactly one thing in as good code as can be achieved.

Code review can catch issues such as potential error cases, security weaknesses, duplicated code or missing tests or documentation. However the benefits of code review go far beyond the direct ability to catch problem code. Once working with code review, developers that to get their code through review they should adapt their coding style to be clearer and more legible, and pre-empt the criticisms that will be levelled by the reviewers. Code review also facilitates mutual learning: more people pay more attention to the new features that go into the codebase, and so understand the codebase better; also inexperienced developers get guidance from the more experienced developers about how their code could be improved.

Some hosted version control systems (eg. Github) have code review built in, or there are self-hosted tools such as ReviewBoard or SaaS tools like Atlassian Crucible.

Linters/Code Style checkers

Thee earliest time you can get feedback about code quality to developers is when the code is being edited. (If you're not a Pythonista, you'll have to translate this to your own language of choice.)

Linters like Pyflakes can be run in the editor to highlight potential problems, while style checkers like highlight coding style violations. Many IDEs will ship with something like this, but if yours doesn't then plugins are usually available.

Pyflakes is good at spotting undeclared and unused variables, and produces relatively few false positives; on the occasions I've tried PyLint I found it pedantic and plain wrong whenever anything vaguely magical happens. You can tailor it back with some configuration but in my opinion it's not worth it. is valuable and worth adopting, even if your own coding style is different (though don't change if your project already has a consistent style). The style promoted by pep8 is pleasantly spaced and comfortable to read, and offers a common standard across the Python community. I've found even the controversial 80-column line length limit useful - long lines are less readable, both when coding and when viewing side-by-side diffs in code review or three-way diff tools.

You might also consider docstring coverage checkers (though I've not seen one integrated with an editor yet). I find docstrings invaluable for commenting the intention that the developer had when they wrote the code, so that if you're debugging some strange issue later you can identify bits of code that don't do what the developer thought they did.

With Python's ast module it isn't hard to write a checker for the kind of bad practice that comes up in your own project.

Test Fixture Injection

Test code has a tendency to sprawl, with some developers happy to copy-and-paste code into dozens of test cases, suites and modules. Big test code becomes slow, unloved and hard to maintain. Of course, you can criticise these practices in code review, but it's an uphill challenge unless you can provide really good alternatives.

The kind of test fixtures your application will need will of course depend on your problem domain, but regardless of your requirements it's worth considering how developers can create the data their tests will depend on easily and concisely - without code duplication.

There are off-the-shelf fixture creation frameworks like factory_boy, which focuses on populating ORM fixtures, and integrated frameworks like Django have test fixture management tools.

However where these are not appropriate, it can be valuable to write the tools you need to make succinct, easily maintained tests. In our project we populate our object database using test objects loaded from YAML. You could also do this in-memory objects if the code required to create them is more complicated or slower than just describing the state they will have when created.

Another approach also in use in our project is to create a DSL that allows custom objects to be created succinctly. A core type in our project is an in-memory tabular structure. Creating and populating these requires a few lines of code, but for tests where tables are created statically rather than procedurally we construct them by parsing a triple-quoted string of the form:

| user | (int) karma | description |
| dave | 5           | hoopy frood |
| bob  | 0           | None        |

This kind of approach has not only simplified our tests but has made them faster, more comprehensive, and more stable.

What tools are most effective at promoting code quality in your projects? Leave a comment below.


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